Optimum Diet for Recovery from Illness

Original Post Date: April 30, 2013 by Dr. Matt

Dietary requirements for recovery and prevention:
       Zero dairy– no cow, sheep, goat milk, butter, hard, soft, or cottage cheese, ice cream, sour cream, whey protein, casein, or yogurt. Substitute soy, rice, or almond milk
       Low sugar– no refined or artificial sweeteners including NutraSweet, Splenda, no fruit juice, only whole fruit, 2 servings maximum a day, Stevia, Xylitol OK.
       No coffee -green or black tea ok, eight to ten glasses of water a day
       Cooked vegetables – no salads, whole grains instead of flour products, beans, peas, and lentils instead of animal protein.
       Maximum weight loss – vegetable soup twice a day, 45-60 minutes exercise

Herbs/Prescription Drugs/Surgery
Separate herbs from prescription drugs by at least one hour, drugs before meals, herbs after meals.

Stop herbs for two weeks prior to any surgery.

Sinus rinse for clearing chronic infections and preventing damage from air pollutants: before hers and meals, use NeilMed Sinus Rinse, Ocean, Sea Breeze, or Xlear nasal sprays, 2 to 3 sprays up each nostril, repeat until mucus is clear.

Air Travelers: One liter of water purchased after security check, finish before arrival, saline nasal spray every 1-2 hours.


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